
Sota Minowa

PhD Student in Social Science

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Hello! I am a PhD student in Social Science at Caltech from 2024. My primary research intesrest is in political economy. Before coming to California, I received a BA in International Relations and an MA in Economics from the University of Tokyo.

Working Papers

Battle Diffusion

This paper first empirically shows that armed conflicts diffuse across time and actors, then constructs a dynamic game of civil war, and estimates the game and examines the effective intervention to mitigate the total number of conflicts through counterfactual experiments, using the battle event data from the Congo War.

Mobilization Shapes Ethnicity: Investigating the Scramble for Africa

This paper causally shows that ethnic groups with higher mobilization power are more likely to sustain their politically relevant status, utilizing a historical natural experiment of the border demarcation during the Scramble for Africa era.